Dragon Ball Super marks the triumphant return of one of the most beloved and iconic anime series of all time. After a nearly two-decade hiatus, fans were ecstatic to see Goku, Vegeta, and the rest of the Z Fighters back in action, ready to take on new challenges and face powerful foes in the ultimate battle for the fate of the universe.
As a long-time fan of the Dragon Ball franchise, I was both excited and apprehensive about the release of Dragon Ball Super. Would it live up to the high expectations set by its predecessor, Dragon Ball Z? Would it bring something new and exciting to the table while still staying true to the essence of what made the original series so great? I’m happy to report that Dragon Ball Super not only met but exceeded all of my expectations, delivering an epic and unforgettable journey that reignited my passion for the series.
The Story
Dragon Ball Super picks up where Dragon Ball Z left off, following Goku and his friends as they embark on a new series of adventures and battles. The series introduces new characters and storylines while also revisiting familiar faces and locations from the original series, creating a perfect blend of nostalgia and innovation.
One of the standout arcs of Dragon Ball Super is the Universe Survival Saga, which sees Goku and his fellow Saiyans teaming up with fighters from other universes to compete in the Tournament of Power. The stakes are higher than ever as the fate of multiple universes hangs in the balance, leading to some of the most intense and exhilarating battles in the entire series.
The Characters
Of course, what would Dragon Ball be without its iconic cast of characters? Dragon Ball Super introduces new characters like Beerus, the God of Destruction, and Whis, his enigmatic attendant, while also giving fan-favorites like Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo plenty of time to shine.
One of the highlights of Dragon Ball Super is the development of Vegeta’s character, as he undergoes significant growth and evolution throughout the series. From his rivalry with Goku to his struggles as a father and husband, Vegeta’s journey in Dragon Ball Super adds depth and complexity to his character, making him even more compelling and relatable than ever before.
The Animation
Visually, Dragon Ball Super is a feast for the eyes, with stunning animation and dynamic action sequences that rival those of its predecessor. The animation studio Toei Animation has done an incredible job of bringing the world of Dragon Ball to life, with fluid movement, vibrant colors, and breathtaking special effects that make every battle feel epic and impactful.
Whether it’s Goku’s iconic Kamehameha or Vegeta’s devastating Final Flash, the animation in Dragon Ball Super is top-notch, capturing the intensity and excitement of the battles in a way that’s sure to leave fans on the edge of their seats.
The Soundtrack
Complementing the stunning animation is the epic soundtrack of Dragon Ball Super, which features a mix of nostalgic themes from the original series and new tracks that perfectly capture the spirit of the show. From the heart-pounding battle music to the emotional character themes, the soundtrack of Dragon Ball Super enhances the viewing experience and adds another layer of depth and emotion to the series.
Special mention must be made of the opening and ending themes of Dragon Ball Super, which are catchy, energetic, and perfectly suited to the tone of the series. Whether it’s the adrenaline-fueled excitement of “Chōzetsu ☆ Dynamic!” or the nostalgic warmth of “Hello Hello Hello,” the music of Dragon Ball Super is sure to get fans pumped up and ready for action.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, Dragon Ball Super is a triumphant return to the world of Dragon Ball and a worthy successor to the original series. With its engaging storylines, lovable characters, stunning animation, and epic soundtrack, the series captures everything that made the original Dragon Ball Z so great while also bringing something new and exciting to the table.
Whether you’re a longtime fan of the franchise or someone looking to experience the magic of Dragon Ball for the first time, Dragon Ball Super is a must-watch anime that’s sure to leave you entertained, inspired, and eager for more. So grab your Dragon Radar, gather your friends, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime with Dragon Ball Super!